Here are 5 Things I Never Eat or Drink
Now, don’t get me wrong. I do have an occasional all natural sweet treat, but there are some things I have totally lost the taste for. And I know eating these thing will make me inflamed, achey, foggy headed, fat, sick, and will be a big time performance de-enhancer.
If you cut the below 5 items out of your daily diet, you’ve already started on the path to leanness and improved health.
- Soda: I never drink coke. Last time I did a few years ago while at the movies with my Mom and wife I was thinking “yeah, that sounds good, popcorn and coke go together” so I had a sip of my Moms… tastes like acid going down my throat. No thanks!
- Donuts: I must admit, donuts still sound tasty to me. They are the deadly combo of high fat and high sugar with almost zero protein. I do think I might have to break my 4 year donut break and have one while on vacation this year. Will report back and let you know how the donut experiment goes, will it still taste GOOD to me?
- Beer: I have not had a full beer in over 4 years. I used to drink them all the time, specially when I was performing. My beers of choice was red stripe and Newcastle. Last time I had one was at a party a friend of mine was throwing. All of my friends were drinking them, I was having a nice time and thought “yeah, you know what, give me one of those beers!” I tried to drink but after two sips it tasted like piss water to me. Another example of the mind is late catching up with what the newly healthy body wants and will tolerate!
- Chips: I never eat conventional potato chips. I used to love cool ranch Doritos, Funyans, and of course Bar-b-cue awesomeness! But the thought of even having one of those does not appeal to me on any level. Once you educate yourself on what they actually put in those things, and you detox your body, your mind may crave them for a while longer, but when you do try to eat them it will make you sick
- McDonald’s: Only time I set foot in one is when I am renting a movie at a red box. Last time I ate one of their “Angus burgers,” I immediately ran to the bathroom and tossed it up. It is a deadly combo of sugar, soy, salt, and unhealthy fats. At one time I LOVED their french fries, it was my favorite and only vegetable I would eat! Now, I never eat fries. If someone had told me I was going to live a french fry free lifestyle a few years ago, I would have told them they were crazy!
If you think that this is “good eating” (I been there, done that, won the t-shirt) then you have got some work to do my friend. Treat yourself better, your body and mind will love you for it and your family needs you.
Remember, real lasting change does not happen over night. It’s a process!
Eat well, be well
5 tips to reaching your goals of a lean, fit and strong body
This was the day that I made a promise to myself.
See that guy right there? That was me just a few years ago as you can see by the time stamp…4 years ago to be exact (from the time this post was written).
I was 300lbs, unhappy, unhealthy and the most sad – not attempting to fulfill my potential. The photo was taken the day I had promised my self to change. That is no exaggeration. THIS VERY DAY! I was at a tipping point. I was in my mid-30s, overweight, playing music all night long and sleeping all day, eating crap food – just not being happy OR healthy. I made a promise and I held myself accountable. I settled into my goal of getting a six-pack, but more importantly to me…
Feeling better, happier, and getting my fat self healthier!
Sol Perry on his honeymoon with his wife. He and his wife lost over 170lbs combined. Dreams can come true.
Yes, that’s me and my now wife on our honeymoon in Key West just a couple of years later! She was with me throughout the whole process and lost over 50lbs herself following my Sõl Food Diet.
How did I do it?
Well, I will tell you one thing that is VITAL to the process…
A good coach/trainer will be checking in on you, making sure your following the plan, feeling good and dialing it in proper! WIth my clients I keep my numbers low so I can give them 100% of my attention and ensure there staying on point. I don’t chase money and clients, I chase RESULTS!
I truly love measurement day as I know we have put things in place that will ensure those inches are falling off. It is an exciting day, cause unlike some people, I KNOW what that feels like… seeing the fat melt right off and the muscles/shape come in. I have been in there shoes.
It is truly a great feeling
I get to relive it every time on measurement day, my clients know this day is coming and we prepare/plan accordingly. It is an exciting day for both of us!
To summarize:
- Have someone to hold you accountable: Coach-wife-workout partner… they must be serious, honest, with knowledge in fitness & nutrition
- Set deadlines: This is vital. Every six weeks take new photos and measurements
- Have a plan in place, a proven and personal one. Not a DVD you buy, that is not personal and will only take you so far
- Set up a reward system: Example – “Once I reach 140lbs, I am going to go on that vacation to the beach”
- Have damage control plans in place when you stall, or things go wrong.
This 5 tips will help you on your way. I use all these with my clients and they simply work!
Take before photos and start today! I offer online diet consulting for those needing guidance.
Sõl Perry Online Consulting and One on One Consulting
My fat loss secret!
This one will save you from wasting hours if not years of your time.
You cannot out work an improper diet! You cannot out work an improper diet!
That bears repeating.
You could work out 7 days a week for two hours at a time but if you’re putting the wrongs things in your body you will not reach your leanness goal. Nor will you be healthy. You cannot jog or run the weight off. If you jog it should be because you enjoy jogging or you are getting prepared for a certain event. Sprinting up hill would be a better option for those so inclined.
You will need to do the proper resistance training coupled with the proper nutrient timing and macro adjustments to reach your goal. Whatever you do folks, stay away from anything that is labeled “low-fat” that’s a scam. They take away the fat and slam it full of sugar. Sugar is much less expensive than the fat and a heck of a lot more addictive.
Sugar is the number one disease-causing agent in the world.
Many people are so addicted to sugar they must have it 24/7. This wrecks havoc on your hormones. Sooner or later your body will show and feel the effects of sugar addiction.
Yes, I know what its like to be addicted to sugar. Break the cycle. People ask me all the time what my “secret” is. There is no secret, but a good place to start is NO Sugar.
A day in the life of Sõl
Wake at 6 am with no alarm, I just wake up. Drink 2 large glasses of clean water and 10g L-glutamine mixed with 2-4oz aloe vera juice.
Put the tea kettle on and make my green tea for the day (different ones everyday) and make my coffee with coconut oil and coconut milk (1 cup for me). Get my water supplies ready for the day and drink coffee while reading emails / writing workouts for clients. After coffee, another large glass water then green teas
I train myself and clients, then post workout shake, depending on the current goals I may have for myself. Get home around 12-2pm and begin eating, always starting off with a large raw salad with a tablespoon of olive oil, walnuts, bell peppers, spinach, green onions, and salad mix. Then a mix of meats or eggs with cooked veggies, vary day to day (no starch). Always take supplements in the middle of my meals.
Music training nearly 4 hours daily, home around 7pm for a second meal of the day. Meats with cooked veggies, supplements in the middle of the meal, spend time with family (2 hours), and before bed I generally eat another meal or snack. If I am going for fat loss, I will have 10g of glutamine instead of food boosting growth hormones all night! Around 9pm I start getting sleepy, eating slows you down. I do most of my eating in the evening after my business is done for the day. Bedtime no later than 10pm.
Special notes:
Bare in mind, this is my current set up and can change greatly depending on my goals.
My current goals are as follows:
- Be as healthy as possible
- Be as productive as possible and maintain energy levels
- Keep in a positive mind-set (yes, like most things, this takes work) • Maintain single digit body fat year round
- Keep stomach as healthy as possible
- Experiment with various maintenance diet protocols for my clients
All supplements were taken in the middle of meals. My supplements change often depending on my current status and goals. I can definitely tell a difference when I go off my schedule or miss my supplements, it’s a good idea to find a schedule that works best for you and stick to it!
Work at it, like most things, you may not get it right at first, so keep chipping away and you will! Just two years ago I was waking at 1-2 in the afternoon and staying awake all night… you can change.
You can control the following with practice over time:
- Sleep schedule
- Metabolism (when you are hungry, when you’re not) • Your cravings (over time with good daily habits)
- Your mind-set (easily the most important!)
5 simple ways to jump start your fat loss journey
Here are 5 simple ways to jump-start your fat loss journey!
I call it a journey as real change does not happen over night, it’s a process!
1: Cook your foods in Coconut Oil, it reeves up your thyroid and is an easy way to get the fat melting right off you!
2: Cut out bulk carb sweetened beverages: Soft drinks – sweet Tea – milk – fruit juice. This alone can drop 20-30lbs. Keep them out of the house. One of the few things you can control in this world is what you bring in that door. Fill your fridge and pantry with real, whole foods and keep the fructose levels low.
3: Add protein to every meal: Protein really changes how your body handles food, try adding 20-40g to every meal, depending on your lean mass and goals.
4: Eat your carbs at the end of the day, not the beginning. You are most insulin sensitive in the morning and carbs are sedating. This is one of the reasons many people are reaching for the coffee all day, they eat donuts, fruit juice, milk and Cheerios for breakfast. Can you say “insulin spike?”
5: Take a 30 minute brisk walk before breakfast! Use this as the time to clear your mind and prepare for the day. I like to use it as my “me” time or a nice time to spend talking with friends or loved ones. You might be surprised at how much better your mood is from just this one change. The better your mood is the better you will adapt and the more compliance you will have with your diet. A good mood is a force multiplier.
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